Make it possible: Start using Votech's meeting & voting software for FREE in your upcoming shareholder meeting
Submit the form below and our CEO, Jari, will contact you shortly to help you get up and running with Votech's Basic version for FREE.
With our help, the general meeting runs comfortably both remotely and as a hybrid. Some of the participants can be present at the meeting place and some can join the meeting remotely. With the help of the Votech service, you can also easily implement various event-related elections and voting, either as a hybrid or completely remotely. Early voting is also handled without any problems! Contact me and we'll talk more!
Heinäkuun 2022 alussa tuli Suomessa voimaan uusi osake- & kiinteistöyhtiö-, yhdistys- ja säätiölaki.
Uusi laki on erittäin hyvä asia. Se mahdollistaa osakkaiden etäosallistumisen organisaatioiden virallisiin kokouksiin kuten yhtiökokoukseen.
Uuden lain myötä tuli kokousten järjestäjille myös uusia velvollisuuksia, joista pitää huolehtia, ettei vaaranna kokouksen ja päätösten laillisuutta.
Lue lisää blogistamme miten sinun organisaatiosi järjestää lainmukaisen yhtiökokouksen ja samalla maksimoi kokouksen hyödyt yrityksellesi.
On 1.7.2022 the law changed in Finland, allowing companies to hold hybrid and remote AGM's
Read on to find out what this means for YOUR company.
Benefits for holding a remote, or hybrid meeting
Engage your meetings’ attendants with our cutting-edge voting solution to commit your stakeholders to your goals and objectives.
Commit shareholders
Kun mahdollisimman moni osakas tai jäsen pääsee mukaan päätöksentekoon, myös aktiivisuus lisääntyy ja osakkaat saadaan sidottua tiiviimmin mukaan organisaation päämääriin, vaikkapa yrityksen seuraavaan rahoituskierrokseen.
Practice sustainable business
Join the 90% ( in 2018) of CEO's who felt sustainability is MORE important to a company's success. Eliminate unnecessary travel, and make a positive impact on the environment..
Save time
Time is something we all value, and by eliminating need to travel to a on-site AGM you will make your shareholders very happy as they can still participate remotely.
Save money
No large conference room to rent, or refreshments to pay, nor incurred travel costs for board and owners of the company.
Better corporate governance
Transparency between the company and shareholders. One meeting page to access previous and current meeting documentation. Maximise meeting attendance, and allow all shareholders to participate decision making no matter where they are located.
"The whole (full service) palette was important to us. Organising alone would have been difficult."
"Quite clearly we have an international shareholder base , which means that we cannot meet everyone in person due to time zones, it would be difficult to sort it in a way that suits most of our shareholder base. Remote enables us to interact with more of our shareholders"